
Carnaby helps you Hatch, delivering targeted Director education and mentoring programs with an events program that connects and nourishes individual networks.

For more information or to express interest in joining our next intake, please submit an inquiry through our contact page.


Director On Board Education Program (October 2024)

Carnaby’s Hatch Director Onboard Program has been developed to support aspiring and emerging Directors by delivering practical and relevant tools to help leaders commence their journey into the boardroom. The Hatch program delivers information to participants through workshops and briefing sessions, curated mentoring and practical activities so participants discover their full potential and graduate as board-ready leaders.

At this session you will learn hot to articulate your “value proposition” and understand your particular offering to Boards which is essential for success.

Hatch participants will be able to foster new connections and build their own networks in a supportive and inclusive environment. Targeted Hatch programs can be delivered to diverse audiences as required, such as female executives, aspiring indigenous directors and other diverse groups, with tailored content that meets the specific needs of each group.

The Hatch Director OnBoard Program comprises:

  • Four (4) Interactive and practical 2.5 hour workshops, facilitated weekly (evenings)
  • Flock – a focused Director networking event. pm)
  • Dates: 7, 14, 21 & 29 October, 2024
  • Venue: Quest Kings Park, 44 Kings Park Rd, West Perth WA 6005
  • Time: 5.30pm – 7.30pm (Refreshments available from 5pm)

Workshop 1 – Understand Your Why

Why do you want to be a director? Explore your motivations, the types of boards to consider according to your values, experience and board goals, and learn how to take the first step in your board journey. An introduction to the strategy, tactics and work that is required for you to be successful.  

Workshop 2 – Define Your Director Brand

Reputation is important – learn how to articulate your brand, develop your value proposition and understand the tools required to network strategically and build on your presence in the boardroom.

Workshop 3 – Develop Your Director Toolkit

Understand what a Director CV is, how to craft a board profile and how to communicate your unique value.  Discover how important your networks can be, learn how to prepare for a Board interview, and build the confidence to promote yourself as a board ready candidate.

Workshop 4 – Find Your Board Role

The final workshop consolidates all the learnings from previous sessions and provides practical advice on where to find your Board role. Learn about the databases, the tactics to get in front of Board Chairs and other useful insights from a recruiter and experienced Company Director.

Flock Event – a focused Director networking event

Benefit from an opportunity to meet and network with senior board chairs and directors in Perth, in a professional environment. This session includes a Director Briefing Session facilitated by an expert speaker on a chosen topic focused on a contemporary issue facing Boards.


For more information about Carnaby, or to express interest in being a part of our next intake for any of our Fledge programs, please submit an inquiry through the form below.